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After discovering she was pregnant at 16, Darby knew she had three options: abortion, become a teen mother or put her baby up for adoption.
Take 70 seconds to watch how abortion could change Ireland.
An insightful video dealing with one of the most complex and controversial questions of our existence.
Four Irish women whose babies were given a poor prognosis during pregnancy share the impact these children had on their lives.
The issue of abortion goes beyond the buzz words of “choice” and “reproductive freedom”. There are much deeper questions and stories that defy the pro-abortion myths. Ryan’s story is just one of them.
Melissa’s mother had an abortion when she was almost eight months pregnant. Melissa is alive today because a nurse and medical support staff saved her life after the failed saline abortion procedure.
Eliot was born with an undeveloped lung, a heart with a hole in it and DNA that placed faulty information into each and every cell of his body. His time on earth, though short, proclaimed the value of every life.
These brave Irish women share a side to the abortion story that is rarely told.
In India, China and many other parts of the world today girls are killed, aborted and abandoned simply because they are girls. The ‘it’s a girl’ movie investigates this tragedy.
Image-maker and mathematician Alexander Tsiaras gives this powerful medical presentation of human development from conception to birth.
This song by Ed Sheeran is a moving tribute to a friend’s miscarried baby.
People with Down's Syndrome are human beings who just happen to have an extra chromosome 21 in their cells. Watch people with Down's Syndrome respond to the seven of the most common (wrong) assumptions people make about them.
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