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Many women and parents say the time it took to book an abortion in England was the time they needed to think things through and decide against a termination. Ruth’s story turned from heartbreak to hope and then unimagined joy. It’s yet another reminder of the positive life-saving impact of Ireland’s 8th Amendment.
Four Irish women whose babies were given a poor prognosis during pregnancy share the impact these children had on their lives.
When Dr Maria Coleman was a 20-year-old medical student in Dublin she didn’t plan to get pregnant but as she says: “I was one of those hard cases, a case they would use to push for abortion". To other young women she says: "Don't let the world tell you who you are gonna be, you tell the world".
The issue of abortion goes beyond the buzz words of “choice” and “reproductive freedom”. There are much deeper questions and stories that defy the pro-abortion myths. Ryan’s story is just one of them.
These brave Irish women share a side to the abortion story that is rarely told.
Eliot was born with an undeveloped lung, a heart with a hole in it and DNA that placed faulty information into each and every cell of his body. His time on earth, though short, proclaimed the value of every life.
Melissa’s mother had an abortion when she was almost eight months pregnant. Melissa is alive today because a nurse and medical support staff saved her life after the failed saline abortion procedure.